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Artyom Ovsepyan

Calgary Confederation Candidate of Record

In totalitarian USSR people had virtually no rights and liberties. The all-powerful communist party leadership had control over lives of millions of people. Canada under Trudeau has opened wide the door to Communism

Life in Kazakhstan

Artyom moved to Canada as a young man, escaping the Totalitarian rule of Soviet Communism

Artyom came to Canada from Kazakhstan. Until 1991 Kazakhstan was part of the Soviet Union. Soviet Union existed for 70 years, after which all of the republics within it got their independence. When that happened Artyom was still a child. He did not witness first hand most of the life in USSR, but he knows pretty well about it via his parents/relatives/friends. In totalitarian USSR people had virtually no rights and liberties. The all-powerful communist party leadership had control over lives of millions of people. KGB (the main security agency for the Soviet Union) always tried to find and punish anyone who disagreed with the soviet regime.

Numerous prison camps, regular prisons, psychiatric prison clinics would contain people who were considered disloyal to the USSR. In 2011 Artyom came to Canada as a student, received his degree and got a job. He witnessed the difference of life between democratic Canada and former Soviet countries. To Artyom's disappointment, in the last several years Canada started to look more and more as the totalitarian Soviet Union. We are witnessing more examples of this daily, one example is the contempable way the Freedom Convoy and its supporters were treated. People just wanted to protest the unfair, unpopular and unconstitutional mandates and bringing their concerns to the "ruling class", whose behavior has become that taught by hard core  Marxists.

Peoples bank accounts were frozen, even if all they did - was to send 20$ to support the protests.. In Canada in the last few years a person can be put to prison for disagreeing with the government, close his bank account (thus putting his livelihood in danger), force a person to get an experimental treatment applied to him without proper consent. For far too long one of the main rights of humans in a "free and democratic" country - freedom of speech - is being trampled. Many people are afraid to voice their thoughts and opinions so they dont get prosecuted by the government. What is this but our country going down the totalitarian overtake? Artyom knows what this government path leads to, and wants to do his best not to have regular Canadian experience this.


Read Artyoms Bio and discover why he chose to take action on behalf of Canadians.

Artyom Ovsepyan has lived in Calgary since 2021. He came to Alberta from British Columbia with his wife and 3-year-old son. Artyom is educated in the field of computer science and mathematical analysis, he has three higher education degrees. Artyom first came to Canada as an international student from Kazakhstan 13 years ago and later becoming a Canadian Citizen. He has been living and working in Canada all this time. He currently works for a big international company with branches in dozens of countries around the world.

Priority Issues

On this website, you will find information about my background, vision for our future and the key priorities that guide my work

In Calgary, Artyom bought a  beautiful home with a big backyard. All in all - Artyom has a good job,  wonderful family and excellent neighbors. Perhaps many people think that this is quite enough for a calm, happy life but not in Artyom's mind. He is devoting his free time in fighting for the interests of the people, thanks to whom our city and our province continue to be the best place to live in all of Canada.

- Economic inequality reduction

Artyom constantly communicates with many residents of Calgary and knows what worries them all and what they need first – they do not want the horrible fate of many previously thriving North American cities for Calgary. We do not want deaths in queues and corridors of the hospitals, when, due to a lack of medical personnel, people die without getting help. We do not want to see euthanasia being offered to the sick and vulnerable instead of solving specific problems that they face. We don’t like it when schools, instead of educating children, engage in propaganda and indoctrination. This is all unworthy and shameful for a first world country,

which Canada is still considered to be. Together, we must maintain our priorities and our values
- focus on job  growth,
- merit based hiring, restore a skills based workforce
- safety, allow people to defend themselves
- have affordable and attainable health care
- respect our seniors by  providing them a decent life
How can you become involved? 
Parliamentary representation in government, choose those who care about your problems and take action in solving them.
Artyom Ovsepyan is your right choice!

Improving access to healthcare

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Economic inequality reduction

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Addressing climate change

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Infrastructure investment plan

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Section Three


In order to achieve my vision and address my key priorities, I have set several specific goals and actions that I plan to take:

Introduce legislation to increase funding for mental health services

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Organizing community events to promote environmental awareness

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Partnering with local businesses to create job training programs

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Holding regular town hall meetings to solicit feedback from constituents

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